Jen Selter Exercises For Stunning Butt

Jen Selter Diet

The Jen Selter diet is all about eating clean. This means very little processed foods. If it grows it the earth, it’s good. If it’s made in a factory, you should avoid too much of it. Also, get an app like My Fitness Pal if you want to track your calories. Central to the Jen Selter diet is the fact that:

It’s 20 percent in the gym and 80 percent in the kitchen. You can’t outrun a bad diet. I eat as clean as i can. I try to avoid refined sugars and flours, and i incorporate a lot of lean protein, like grilled chicken. I also eat throughout the day to keep my metabolism up.

Whey protein is one of the best ways to make your butt bigger.  Whey is the good part of cow’s milk, that makes your muscles bigger. It’s one of the fastest absorbing proteins. This is what makes it so good for recovery. Your body naturally wants to burn muscle, as well as, fat for energy during a workout. Eating protein 30 minutes before and after your workout is crucial to keeping the muscle weight on. (Jen is quick to point out that muscle cells burn 10 times more fat than other cells).

So, whey protein s a popular way to maintain a big booty. Here is a post that Jen Selter put on Facebook about one of her favorite pre-workout meals:jen-selter-diet

The Jen Selter diet includes eating small meals of protein and carbs throughout the day. Also, she maintains the mantra:

  • Less sugar, more fruit.
  • Less soda, more water.
  • Less worry, more sleep.

Jen Selter eats dark chocolate during the week to curb her cravings. She also has a cheat meal of ice cream on Sundays. Jen uses an “Animal Pump” type of pre-workout. This intensifies her workouts and muscular gains. She also drinks a whey shake after her workout. This is to help her muscles recover with a fast-absorbing protein.

On a recent Jen Selter Instagram post, her friend made her a whole-wheat breakfast burrito with broccoli, bell peppers, avocado, egg whites, along with grapefruit juice.

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