Jen Selter Exercises For Stunning Butt

Jen Selter’s Bonus Ab Workout

Here’s a pic of Jen Selter’s Bonus Ab workout called Total Abs. She posted on Facebook: Do 3 sets of this abs workout and feel that burn. Do it in circuit format (so one set of each exercise, then repeat 2 more times).total-abs-workout

Jen says: Your butt is your biggest muscle. There are so many ways to shape it and firm it up. With hard work and dedication, anyone can get to where i am.

Jen Selter also likes to do full-body workouts. Adding resistance training 2-3 times a week is important for your metabolism. She hasn’t posted too much about her full body workouts, but says they’re important. Jen says on Facebook: For every 1 pound of muscle you gain, your body will burn an extra 50 calories per day. Add weight or resistance training to your workout routine and burn extra calories all day long.

Some would say that Jen Selter has a butt that would make, even Kim Kardashian, jealous. Jen also says that just because you don’t have a gym, doesn’t mean you can’t work out. At-home workouts are easy, one you’ve got the right moves.

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