Weight-Loss Tips for Late-Night Snackers
Dinner has long been over and you’re sitting on the couch, relaxing in front of your favorite TV show when it hits you — that craving for something to snack. While eating late at night doesn’t trigger weight gain, it can if you overdo it and inhale huge portions. Follow these tips if you want to eat a little something at night without expanding your waistline.
[su_box title=”Save some for later” style=”noise” box_color=”#fff” title_color=”#2e383f”]
Figure out how many daily calories are right for you, and allot a certain number to that late-night snack. Keep track of what you eat in a food journal or on your phone, so you know you can eat a 150-calorie serving of chocolate guilt-free because you know you’ve saved up for it.[/su_box]