How to Get Rid of Man Boobs through Exercises

You probably love a great set of breasts—as long as you’re not the one sporting them. Turns out, more and more men are lining up to get rid of their man boobs or “moobs.” Male breast reduction surgeries increased by 6 percent in 2011, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. But you might not need to go under the knife if you’ve got a sagging top.

There are two reasons why a guy might have man boobs. The first is a medical condition. Clinical gynecomastia—male breast enlargement—can result from a hormonal imbalance or elevated levels of estrogen and lowered levels of testosterone. It’s usually not a serious problem and may go away on its own. However, if you think you have gynecomastia and it continues to persist, you should visit a doctor to find out if medication or surgery will help.

The second reason is excess fat stored in the chest. Sure, you can run out and buy yourself a manssiere, but there might be a better way to get rid of your moobs. BJ Gaddour, C.S.C.S., a Men’s Health fitness advisor and CEO of says you can nip your poofed pecs in the bud with a fat-loss, muscle-building workout. “When it comes to weight loss, you shouldn’t focus just on cardio,” he says. “You need to build muscle through strength training. It ignites your metabolism, which burns calories and accelerates fat loss.”

Firm up your chest and shed weight with these supersets—two exercises done back-to-back. “These exercises not only blast your chest, but also target your back muscles and glutes—body zones that contain the most muscle mass,” says Gaddour. Elevating your metabolism is all about how much muscle you activate at once. By doing big-muscle exercises, you’ll boost your metabolism and testosterone levels more than you would just working your pecs, he says.

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