9 Ways to Get Energized and Motivated When You Feel Lazy

7. Treat yourself to some workout gear

You don’t need a whole new wardrobe to exercise, but treating yourself to some nice clothes once you’ve gotten into the habit of working out can be a great reward — and it’ll entice you to slip into them again and again. And by the way, buying clothes totally counts as a workout — research shows women burn 15,000 calories a year shopping.

8. Dance

Go out dancing. Go all out. If you’re doing it right, it definitely counts as a workout.

9. Exercise a little, often

Exercising doesn’t have to involve two hours at the gym. By incorporating short sessions into your everyday routine, you’ll break a sweat and learn to cherish the time you’re dedicating to taking care of your body. Because, to be honest, you’ll never get that gym glow if you don’t move every once in a while.

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