11 Yoga Poses for Slim Thighs

Rotated Triangle

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Here’s a dynamic pose that stretches your hamstrings while lengthening the spine. This photo illustrates the pose on the left side so it’s easier to see what your upper body should be doing.

  • From Twisting Extended Side Angle, release your hands and straighten your front leg. Hop your back foot in a few inches, and plant your left palm on the floor beside your right foot.
  • Straighten your legs as much as you can, lifting your right arm in the air, stacking your shoulders.
  • Keep your core engaged, and gaze at your lifted hand for five breaths.


Five-Pointed Star

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It might not look like you’re doing much, but in this pose, your entire body is engaged.

  • From Rotated Triangle, inhale as you press into your feet to lift your torso up, turning so you’re facing the side of the mat.
  • Actively pull your hands away from each other, draw your navel toward your spine, keep your tailbone tucked in, and flex your thighs.
  • Stay here for five breaths.



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Let’s end with one of the most effective poses for toning your thighs and butt.

  • From Five-Pointed Star, turn your heels in, bend your knees, and lower down into a wide squat position. Keep your knees over your ankles and your thighs parallel with the floor.
  • Bend your elbows at 90-degree angles, and gaze forward.
  • Keep your weight back in your heels as you breathe for five deep breaths.
  • Rise up, step your feet to the front of the mat, and repeat this sequence on the left side, beginning with Mountain Pose.


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