10 Waist Slimming Exercises for Women


[su_box title=”Targets: Rectus and transversus abdominis, quads, inner thighs, and calves” style=”noise” box_color=”#fff” title_color=”#2e383f”]


  • Stand facing a wall with legs together, squeezing rolled-up towel between thighs.
  • With knees slightly bent, hinge forward at hips to place palms on wall, arms extended, so that back is nearly parallel to floor.
  • Squeeze abs and towel as you rise onto toes, then do 20 pulses: Lower hips 1 inch, then raise them 1 inch. Make it harder: Start with knees bent 90 degrees so that hips are closer to knee level, then pulse.
  • Do 3 sets.


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