[su_box title=”Tips To Follow While Doing Tuck Jumps” style=”noise” box_color=”#fff” title_color=”#2e383f”]
Follow the below mentioned tips to do the tuck jump exercises properly:
- Use your hands to increase the momentum when you jump.
- Don’t do tuck jumps on a rough concrete surface as it can injure you. Do this move on a smooth, flat surface. Ensure you have proper space to jump high.
- Don’t do tuck jumps more than twice a week as they can affect your knee joints badly.
- Never do tuck jumps without properly warming up your body. Follow the exercise with good stretches.
- Keep the jumps progressive. Push with all your force every time, but don’t push too hard. It’s all right if you can’t jump very high. This is an advanced move, so it will come with practice. So, if the first time, you can only raise your knees onto your hips, try to lift them higher the next time. Try to tap your knees the next time. Keep it progressive.
- Squat jumps are a great way to prepare for tuck jumps. This move also helps in improving your jumps and helps you jump higher. Get down in a squat and jump up as high as you can.
- If you want to intensify your jumps even more, you can do box jumps. Place a box in front of you. When you squat down to jump up, push your body upward as well as forward and jump onto the box. This gives your body a target to jump to.[/su_box]
[su_box title=”Benefits Of Tuck Jumps” style=”noise” box_color=”#fff” title_color=”#2e383f”]
Tuck jumps offer various benefits to the body by improving agility and power. These benefits are:
- Tuck jumps work on your total integrated body. They make for a great High-intensity interval training(HIIT) move as they burn extra calories in less time.
- Since you are jumping high, this move also becomes a body weight exercise to strengthen and tone your lower body.
- It is an amazing booty lifter move. It is really effective for losing the stubborn belly fat and shaping those hips.
- It also has cardiovascular benefits.
Tuck jump is a fun and effective move, which will most probably remind you of your carefree childhood days when anything jumpy was super fun for you. So jump high and bid goodbye to unwanted fat.
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