[su_box title=”3) Facial Yoga” style=”noise” box_color=”#fff” title_color=”#2e383f”]
That’s right, it’s a thing! In traditional yoga practices, there are a few facial exercises that work out the muscles in your face. Remember, a good muscular foundation supports the skin and overall structure of the face as well as the body. To ease a sagging neckline, open your mouth as wide as you can and stick your tongue out as far as it will go. Hold for three seconds and repeat eight times. For forehead lines and crow’s feet, raise your eyebrows as high as you can and hold for five seconds. Then raise your eyebrows again while opening your eyes as wide as possible and hold for five seconds. Repeat eight times. The best part about these facial exercises is that they allow for some multitasking. Give yourself an electric mani a la the new Essie Neons Collection or give your hair some lovin’ with a nourishing hair mask (we recommend Pureology Hydrate HydraCure).[/su_box]
I have been diagnosed with Lupus and rhuematoid arthritis, I have chronic fatigue that’s so bad that I can’t get through my day’s anymore.The weird thing is that even though I have fatigue, I can’t sleep at night at all. I feel like a zombie. My 8 year old son has been diagnosed with turrets syndrome and ADHD and he has been going through so much and he’s just now starting to get better, but my heart aches for him because he wants me to go outside and play soccer like we used to and I literally have no energy to do that anymore. When the boys leave for school I just break down and cry, sometimes for hours. I have alot of workout equipment which I use to use every day, I still get on and try but I can’t finish. I grew up in a military home, I was a tomboy growing up, I played soccer, tennis, I wanted to play hockey but my mom wouldn’t let me because she said I would get my teeth knocked out. But bottom line I need someone to help me immediately because I can’t go on like this. Please help me.