8) Bike or Walk to Work
This is pretty self explanatory. If you sit all day, compensate by being active when you’re not working. Biking or walking to work is a great option for this. If you live too far away, how about loading your bike up and driving to a parking lot a little closer to work? Leave your car, and bike the rest of the way. Even better, meet a few friends for a ride together.
9) Take the Stairs
If you have the option, take the stairs. Even if you don’t need to take the stairs do it anyway. Stair climbing is great for strengthening muscles in your legs and also has great cardiovascular benefits.
10) Loading Time and Holding Time are a Great Time for Exercise
While you’re waiting for a website to load, for a document to download, or for someone to get back to you on the phone while you’re on hold, get up and move. See how many squats you can get in while waiting. Or do a few tricep dips off of the edge of your chair. Jog in place, stretch it out, shake it out. Even fidgeting increases your overall calorie burn. Replace your chair with a stability ball and not only improve your posture, but give yourself a fun seat to bounce on in your wait times.
Implement all 10 of these strategies and you can not only stay on track with weight loss goals, but you’ll more easily maintain a healthy weight AND increase your productivity.