Butt Exercises for Building Head-Turning Glutes

Glute Bridge
Done by physical therapists to fire up the glutes and hamstrings this is one move that needs including in every butt workout!Glute Bridge

Sitting on the floor with your back against a bench, and a weight across your lap, squeeze the glutes and lift your hips off the floor so that your hips are level with your shoulders. Beginners can regress this move by either omitting the weight or doing the move lying on the floor.

DeadliftsdeadliftDeadlifts, they hurt so good! As with squats and lunges it’s a love-hate relationship but for a great butt they are a must. Straight legs will emphasize more in the hamstrings and glutes, but if you have flexibility issues you can bend your knees a little while you work on your range of movement. Take the work out of the back by pushing the hips back and keeping the back straight throughout the movement. Switch to a wide foot position for focus in the gluteus medius.

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