4 Best Exercises for Weight Loss


Lunges pretty much are the bomb.  You can do them anywhere, they firm up your backside, give you a shapelier bottom (who doesn’t want that?) and they also strengthen your glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves. The lunge is also a great conditioning exercise for many sports and activities. Get ready to see the results in your bottom half.

With your chest lifted, chin up and abs contracted take a big step forward with your left foot.  Sink straight down so your front left knee tracks over the top of your shoe and your back right  knee points down toward the floor.  You are on your back left toe.  Push back to the starting position. Repeat on the right leg. Keep alternating. A good place to start is with 10-12 lunges on each leg and work your way up to 3 sets.

lunges with dumbbells

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  1. Keep your knees aligned, front knee over your shoe and back knee pointing down.
  2. Watch yourself lunge with a side view mirror. Make sure you aren’t leaning too far forward or back or rounding your spine.
  3. Keep your knees, hips and shoulders all facing in same direction, forward.
  4. Think about how you are distributing your body weight. Don’t force your weight into your kneecaps but rather use them as a hinge. Engage your quads, hamstrings and glutes.


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