[su_box title=”5. Single Leg Squatss” style=”noise” box_color=”#fff” title_color=”#2e383f”]
This type of squat is done on one leg. You’re going to lift your left leg either behind you or keep it as straight as possible in front of you while you squat down on your right leg.[/su_box]
[su_box title=”6. Goblet Squats” style=”noise” box_color=”#fff” title_color=”#2e383f”]
This squat is done in more of a plie form with feet wider than hip width apart and feet angled outward. You can use a kettle-bell or one big heavy dumbbell, hold them at chest level while you squat.[/su_box]
[su_box title=”7. Barbell Squats” style=”noise” box_color=”#fff” title_color=”#2e383f”]
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This type of squat is a pretty advanced exercise that needs to be done in the gym. Put the barbell on your shoulders, mostly laying on your trapezius muscle, the “traps”. This squat is done with normal squat form, but the reason it is more advanced is because it allows you to add a lot of weight.[/su_box]