6 Yoga Poses to Help You Sleep Better

Locust Pose (Salabhasana)Locust Pose-for-sleep

Come to your stomach with a pillow supporting your hips and belly. Gazing down and keeping the back of the neck long, interlace your fingers behind the small of your back. Inhale, extend the arms behind you, lifting the hands towards the ceiling and pressing the tops of your toes into the mattress. Exhale, try to hold that height. Inhale again, lifting the chest and head, with gaze forward and back of neck neutral. Exhale, hold this position. Continue to lengthen the body and open the heart for 10 rounds of breath. On an exhale, lower back down to the bed, releasing your hands by your side.

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1 thought on “6 Yoga Poses to Help You Sleep Better”

  1. I do some yoga poses at home on my yoga mat – and my back pains from a very old queen mattress and to mush twisting and things that you do exercising that make your back hurt
    Thanks to Some Yoga I'm in control of Back pain Issues ??❤️??

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