13) Side Step Kettlebell SwingTargets: Legs, glutes, back (Level: Intermediate-Advanced)
How to: This move is like a traveling kettlebell swing—now we’re going places! Grab a kettlebell and start with the basic two-handed swing (see move No. 1). When the bell is down between the feet,step the right foot out to the right; then, when the bell is up, bring the left foot to meet the right (so the legs come together). Keep side-steppin’ your way to the right (10 to 15 steps), then head on back the other way, leading with the left foot.
14) Kettlebell DeadliftTargets: Legs, glutes, arms, back, abs (Level: Intermediate-Advanced)
How to: Who says you need a barbell to deadlift? Stand with the kettlebell between the feet on the floor. Squat down and grab a hold of the handle with both hands while the back remains flat. Engage the core, tighten those glutes, and keep the arms extended as thebody rises on up, kettlebell and all! Aim for 12 to 15 reps, maintaining proper form throughout.
15) Kettlebell CleanTargets: Legs, butt, back (Level: Advanced)
How to: Start with the kettlebell between the feet. Begin to swing upwards: Shrug the shoulders, pulling the body and ‘bell up to the shoulder. The ‘bell should end in the “rack” position: resting on the forearm, which is tucked close to the body, the fist at your chest. Bring the weight back down to the floor and repeat for 10 to 15 reps.
16) Two-Arm Kettlebell Military PressTargets: Shoulders, arms, back (Level: Advanced)
How to: Made it through move the kettlebell clean without breaking a sweat? Grab two kettlebells and clean them to the “rack” position. Then, press the kettlebells up while leaning forward at the waist so the weights are positioned behind the head. Bring them back down to the shoulders and continue pressing for 10 to 20 reps, depending on the weight you’re pushin’.