Do These 13 Exercises to Stay Fit for Life


Keep your legs as straight as your flexibility allows. Keep your back flat. Bend at the waist and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Maintain a tight core as you walk your hands forward until you’re in plank position and then backward to standing. Push your hips as high as possible and press your heels into the ground as you walk your hands back in.

Walk your hands past the pushup position. Allow your hips to sag below neutral. Sway side to side from your hips. Bring your shoulders up toward your ears.

Make it easier
Bend your knees slightly if you’re unable to reach the ground, with the goal of increasing your flexibility over time and working toward straight legs.

How to turn these moves into a full workout.

Choose exercises that won’t have you using the same muscle groups one after the other. For example, if you choose two movements that mostly tax the upper body (like a plank and pushups) and two that mostly challenge the lower body (say squat jumps and lunges), you’d want to alternate the upper- and lower-body moves: plank, squat jumps, pushups, lunges. Use one of these three formats created by Matheny (and see examples for each one below). Remember, each movement must be performed properly and with full range of motion.

Format A
30 seconds on, 10 seconds off; you’ll need 3 exercise moves total.


Movement 130 seconds
Rest10 seconds
Movement 230 seconds
Rest10 seconds
Movement 330 seconds


Here’s an example of Format A:

Complete circuit 10 times. Go as fast as is safely possible while performing each movement properly and with full range of motion.


Spider Lunges30 seconds
Rest10 seconds
Side Lunges30 seconds
Rest10 seconds
Plank30 seconds


Format B

You’ll need 4 exercise moves total for this type, and you break them apart into 2 moves for PART A MINI-CIRCUIT and PART B MINI-CIRCUIT. Then you do 10 reps of each move in a mini-circuit, repeat the mini-circuit 8 times. Rest, and move on to the next mini-circuit. It looks like this:



Movement 110 reps
Movement 210 reps


Repeat PART A x 8. Rest 2 minutes



Movement 310 reps
Movement 410 reps


Repeat PART B x 8

Here’s an example of Format B:

Go as fast as is safely possible while performing each movement properly and with full range of motion.

PART A (Complete Part A Circuit x8)


Jumping Lunges10 reps
Spider Lunges10 reps


Rest 2 minutes

PART B (Complete Part A Circuit x8)


Pushups10 reps
Walkouts10 reps


Format C

Do each round of moves starting on the minute for 4 minutes; you’ll need 4 exercise moves total.

Start the clock: do 10 reps of movement 1
When you’re done with your 10 reps, do jumping jacks until minute 1
Starting at minute 1: 10 reps of movement 2
When you’re done with your 10 reps, do jumping jacks until minute 2
Starting at minute 2: 10 reps of movement 3
When you’re done with your 10 reps, do jumping jacks until minute 3
Starting at minute 3: 10 reps of movement 4

Rest. Repeat x 5

Here’s an example of Format C


10 PushupsStart the Clock
Jumping JacksUntil minute 1
10 Spider LungesAt Minute 1:00
Jumping JacksUntil minute 2
10 Jumping LungesAt Minute 2:00
Jumping JacksUntil minute 3
10 WalkoutsAt Minute 3:00


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