8 Ways to Exercise While Watching TV



Lunges are a great exercise to do while watching TV because the screen remains at eye level! Practice lunging forward and lunging backwards, or clear a little path to the TV for you to lunge through. Also, try diagonal back lunges on each leg, and lunging while doing arm lifts and presses with dumbbells.

Squats and burpees


Squats and burpees are also a fantastic exercise to do anytime – so why not try a few while watching TV. Remember with squats to not let your knees fall in front of your toes! To amp up the squat, grab a dumbbell, medicine ball or other weight and hold the squat position with your arms extended and holding the weight. Then, pulse, a few inches up and a few inches down. You’ll feel it in your hammies! Just keep your back straight.

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1 thought on “8 Ways to Exercise While Watching TV”

  1. I’m doing push ups ,sit-ups,many different dumbell exercises ,abs ,leg stretching,back stretching,running simulation,reverse dips,neck and middle section exercises with a bar and other no name exercises,with chairs and dumbells.

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