Best Moves for Building Big Traps

Modified Bent-Over Duel Cable Low Pulley Shoulder Flye (3 sets of 10-15 reps)Bent-Over Duel Cable-Flye

Add this exercise to the end of a workout as a finisher. Position yourself as you would a normal low-cable flye by grasping the opposite pulleys with opposite hands. Keep your lower back arched, knees bent, and hips set back.

The exercise starts when your elbows have a 45-degree angle to your shoulder joint. Keep your arms in the same position and focus on driving that elbow up about 1-2 inches above your shoulder. Get a good squeeze at the top of the motion.

Low-Cable Face Pulls (3 sets of reps per pound)Face-Pulls-Cable

Use a rope and attach it to the low part of a vertical adjustable cable rack. Stand about two feet from the attachment to get the correct angle for recruiting those traps. To use this exercise as a burner, don’t pause or rest at the top—keep the movement constant. This will get tough, but dig deep and finish.

Challenge yourself by picking a weight that’s heavy enough for you to be begging for the end of the set, but not so heavy that getting there requires cheating.

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1 thought on “Best Moves for Building Big Traps”

  1. There are two terrible exercises listed here; the high pull and single arm upright row. Both put an immense biomechanical strain on the rotator cuff and could lead to impingement syndrome. Dont do them under any circumstances.

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