Don’t want to get up extra early to log a morning workout at the gym? Fine, stay in bed. You can still transform your body with exercises you can do right on your mattress. Choose a few of them, or complete every move, and perform as many reps as you can in 30 seconds. You’ll burn more calories than you would by repeatedly hitting the snooze button.
[su_box title=”1) Marching Hip Raises” style=”noise” box_color=”#fff” title_color=”#2e383f”]
Targets: butt, abs, and thighs.
Lie on your back with your knees bent, heels near your butt, and arms along your sides with palms facing down. Press into your heels as you lift your hips up so your body forms a line between your knees and shoulders. Without extending your leg, squeeze your butt as you lift your right foot up off the bed and bring your right knee directly over your right hip. Place your right foot back on the bed and repeat on the left side. That’s one rep. Continue to alternate.[/su_box]
[su_box title=”2) Side Plank with Twist” style=”noise” box_color=”#fff” title_color=”#2e383f”]
Targets: abs, obliques, and triceps.
Lie on your right side and place your right forearm on the bed. Keeping your hips, shoulders, and feet stacked, brace your core as you lift your hips up toward the ceiling as high as you can. Stretch your left arm straight up toward the ceiling. Without touching the bed, slowly lower your hips, then return to starting position. Keeping your core tight, twist from the waist as you bring your left arm down and underneath your body. Return to starting position to complete one rep. Continue for 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side. (To make this move slightly easier, stagger your feet or place your top foot on the bed in front of you.)[/su_box]