The Best ABS Exercises for Men

5 Workouts for Men on the Road to build Six Pack

1) Plank (Normal Plank and Side Plank)

Best ab workouts for men looking to build six packs are plank exercises. Plank is a core strength exercise for abs, which tightens and flexes your abdominal portion of the body. This places an enormous amount of pressure on the abs and helps shape them eventually.

Basic PlankPlank-basic

  • Start in the push-up position. Lower both forearms to the ground.
  • Tilt your pelvis and pull the abdomen inside. Nothing except toes and forearms should touch the floor.
  • Hold this position as long as you can. With practice increase the time to hold your plank and build core strength of your abdomen.

Side Plankside-plank

The procedure of the side plank is pretty much the same except it engages the side muscles better than the usual plank. Lie on a single side with one leg on another and lift your body up with the elbow or the hand. Hold as long as you can.

Similar to the above, we have kneeling plank exercise, spiderman plank exercise and star plank exercises that people regularly follow.

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2 thoughts on “The Best ABS Exercises for Men”

  1. Thank you for refreshing the memory!
    Will add the few new ones I saw on the 5 pages
    Bottom line: exercise hard, but EAT CLEAN!
    Thanks, again!

  2. I try almost everyday my Abs at home,
    Sit-ups Push ups Some Yoga and Navy Seal Exercises Dance Any Thing That makes my ads feel worked And beat on Abs with a round rubber type softball size exercise yoga ball,
    Feeling some benefit under belly stubborn fat.
    I guess it's kinda late in life
    ?? :((

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