The Hip flexor is an important muscle group, which helps move the knees to the chest and the legs front to back and sideways. As many people sit on workstations all day, the hip flexors can become tight and stiff. These stretches help loosen the hip flexors and improve their flexibility.
[su_box title=”1) The Standing Hip Hinge” style=”noise” box_color=”#fff” title_color=”#2e383f”]
This is an ideal warm-up exercise to stretch hip flexors. Support your back with your hands and bend the upper body back. Hold for a while and return to the starting position. To add more intensity kneel down and perform the same exercise. The kneeling down will stretch the hip flexors and the quads as well. This is one of the best exercises for back pain and tight hip flexors.[/su_box]
[su_box title=”2) The Camel Yoga Pose” style=”noise” box_color=”#fff” title_color=”#2e383f”]
The camel yoga pose stretches the hip flexors. It is also a great way to expand the chest and improve spinal flexibility. A camel yoga pose helps tighten the hips and builds muscle in the arms. Yoga says that the posture promotes the flow of oxygen with every new breath. The pose also helps strengthen arms and shoulders. This pose is slated to open up your heart chakra and you feel more in sync with the world. Check out how to do a camel yoga pose.[/su_box]