6 Yoga Poses to Help You Sleep Better

Supine Spinal Twist (Jathara Parivartanasana)Jathara Parivartanasan

From Reclined Bound Angle Pose, stay on your back supported by the pillow and gently guide your knees together using your hands. Bring your knees over to the left with arms out by your side, palms facing up. Imagine your breath like a wave rippling through your spine, releasing tension with each exhale. Stay here for a minute and then switch to the other side.

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1 thought on “6 Yoga Poses to Help You Sleep Better”

  1. I do some yoga poses at home on my yoga mat – and my back pains from a very old queen mattress and to mush twisting and things that you do exercising that make your back hurt
    Thanks to Some Yoga I'm in control of Back pain Issues ??❤️??

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