30 Day At-Home Workout Challenge

Level 2

Here’s my Level 2 At Home Workout Challenge! Remember, you can modify workouts when needed.

Week 1


120 walking lunges, 10 push-ups, 25 jumping jacks (4 rounds)

10 burpees (you can modify these by going down onto your knees and putting your legs out slower if needed), 1 minute plank, 1 minute side plank (both sides) (3 rounds)

325 air squats, 10 sit-ups, (4 rounds)
4Longer run (or whatever it is that you like to do–biking, swimming, etc) that lasts at least 30 minutes)
5Rest Day
6Ten vertical jumps ( crouch down, then jump as high as you can, land and do it again), 10 push-ups (5 rounds)
7Run 1 mile, for time, followed by 100 jumping jacks


Week 2


810 burpees (you can modify these by going down onto your knees and putting your legs out slower if needed), 1 minute plank, 1 minute side plank (both sides) (3 rounds)
9How many rounds in 10 minutes (keep going, taking breaks between sets if needed for 10 minutes): 5 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 15 air squats
1020 walking lunges, 50 jumping jacks (4 rounds)
11Longer run (or whatever it is that you like to do–biking, swimming, etc) that lasts at least 30 minutes
12Rest day
1315 vertical jumps (crouch down, then jump as high as you can, land and do it again), 10 push-ups (5 rounds)
14Run 1 mile, for time, followed by 100 jumping jacks


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1 thought on “30 Day At-Home Workout Challenge”

  1. High intensity interval training is a great way to create Peripheral Heart Action, which shunts blood from the lower and upper parts of the body creating a longer calorie burn of up to 48 hours after your workout!

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