13 Chest Exercises For Building Powerful Pecs

Dumbbell FliesDumbbell Flies

Tier: 3 Chest (Outer, Middle), Biceps

Dumbbell flies are a lightweight isolation move that stretch out the chest, help add width, and hit the outer/lower perimeter. They also help chisel out a deep line down the middle.

Stay light — using weights that are too heavy can overload the rotator cuffs and overstretch the chest, which often leads to major injuries. Focus on strict form and a strong contraction at the top.

  1. Lie on a flat bench with two dumbbells over your chest.
  2. Place a slight bend in your elbows and slowly lower the weights straight out to the side of your body. Lower until they’re parallel with your chest.
  3. Powerfully squeeze your pecs—as if you’re giving an uber-powerful hug—and pull the weights back up to start. Squeeze together as hard as possible at the top. Repeat.

Cable CrossoversCable- Crossovers

Tier: 3 Chest (Outer, Middle), Biceps

Cable crossovers are a standing variation of dumbbell flies. Unlike flies, crossovers apply significant tension at the peak of the movement—not just the bottom—which amplifies the contraction down the middle of the chest. They also extend the total time under tension (TOT), which increases overall muscle activation and breakdown.

  1. Set up a cable stack so that the handles are at shoulder height. Lean forward slightly.
  2. Place a slight bend in your elbows and powerfully pull the cables down diagonally until your hands meet. They should be in line with the bottom half of your chest. Squeeze the contraction as hard as possible (again, it’s like a massive hug).
  3. Slowly release the handles and return back up to start. Repeat.

Dumbbell Pulloversdumbbell-pullovers

Tier: 3 Chest (Lower), Lats, Triceps

Unlike most chest exercises, dumbbell pullovers are a pulling movement that extend the rib cage and dig into the lower chest. The lats also play a major role. They’re a great way to leverage a distinct movement pattern, build out the lower/outer portion of the chest, and improve overhead RoM.

  1. Lie perpendicular across a flat bench — keep your shoulders pinned down and your hips raised. Your body should form a bridge.
  2. Hold the top half of the dumbbell and press it straight over your chest. This is starting position.
  3. Place a slight bend in your arms and slowly lower the dumbbell back behind your head.
  4. Powerfully contract your lower chest and lats and powerfully pull the dumbbell back up to start. Repeat.
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